Cookie Policy

KlinikaDent Istanbul Dental Clinic


The personal data of those who visit the website (“visitors”) operated by KLİNİKADENT İSTANBUL DENTAL CLINIC (“”) are subject to Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“< We operate in accordance with the law and protect your privacy. This Website Privacy and Cookie Policy ("Policy") determines the processing of visitors' personal data, cookie policy and website privacy principles.

Cookies (cookies) are small text files that store small pieces of information. Cookies are stored on your device or network server via browsers by the websites you visit. When the website loads on your browser, cookies are stored on your device. Cookies enable the website to function properly, make it more secure and provide a better user experience. Session and local storage are also used for the same purpose as cookies. There are no cookies on our website, session and local storage areas work.

Cookies are used to ensure that visitors can use our website in the most efficient way. If cookies are not preferred, they can be deleted or blocked through browser settings. However, this may negatively affect the performance of our website. Unless the visitor changes the cookie settings in the browser, it is assumed that he/she accepts the use of cookies on this site.

  1. Purpose of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data obtained by visiting our website is processed by KLİNİKADENT İSTANBUL DENTAL CLINIC in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the Law for the purposes listed below:

  • Carrying out the necessary work to carry out the commercial activities carried out by KLİNİKADENT ISTANBUL DENTAL CLINIC and carrying out the related business processes,
  • Carrying out the necessary work and carrying out the relevant business processes to enable relevant people to benefit from the products and services offered by KLİNİKADENT ISTANBUL DENTAL CLINIC,
  • Recommending and promoting the products and services offered by KLİNİKADENT ISTANBUL DENTAL CLINIC to the relevant people by customizing them according to the tastes, usage habits and needs of the relevant people.
  1. Parties to whom Personal Data is Transferred and Purpose of Transfer

Your personal data obtained by visiting our website may be transferred to our business partners, suppliers, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals, in line with the purposes of processing your personal data, within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law.< /p>

  1. Personal Data Collection Method

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the device or network server via browsers by visited websites. When our website is visited, cookies are applied to,,,,, domains in addition to our website, with the permission of the visitor.

  1. Purpose of Use of Cookies

Our website uses first and third party cookies. First-party cookies are mostly necessary for the website to function properly, they do not store your personal data. Third-party cookies are used to improve our website's performance, interactivity, security, advertising and ultimately provide a better service. It helps speed up user experience and future interactions with our website. In this context, cookies;

Statistics: These cookies include the number of visitors to the website, the number of unique visitors, which pages of the website have been visited, the source of the visit, etc. stores information. This data helps us analyze how well the website is performing.

Preferences: These cookies help us save your settings and determine your browsing preferences, such as language preferences, so you have a better and more efficient experience on future visits to the website.

Technically, the types of cookies used on our website are shown in the table below.

Session Cookies

Session cookies are temporary cookies that are used by our visitors during their visit to our website and are deleted after the browser is closed. Its purpose is to ensure that the Website operates properly during your visit.

(Session Cookies)

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies are types of cookies used to increase the functionality of the website and to provide a faster and better service to our visitors. These types of cookies are used to remember your preferences and are stored on your device through browsers.

(Persistent Cookies)

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies ensure the operation of the website and identify non-functioning pages and areas of the website.

(Technical Cookies)

Authentication Cookies

If visitors log in to the website using their passwords, it is determined that they are site users on each page they visit, and they are prevented from re-entering their password on each page.

(Authentication Cookies)

Flash Cookies

These are types of cookies used to enable image or audio content on the website.

(Flash Cookies)

Personalization Cookies

Cookies are used to remember users' preferences, such as language, when visiting different pages of different websites.

(Customization Cookies)

Analytical Cookies

These are cookies that track analytical results such as the number of visitors to the website, detection of pages viewed, visiting hours, page scrolling movements.

(Analytical Cookies)

The main purposes of using cookies on our website are listed below:

  • To improve the services offered to you by increasing the functionality and performance of the website,
  • To improve the Website and to offer new features on the Website and to personalize the features offered according to your preferences,
  • To ensure the legal and commercial security of the Website, You and KLİNİKADENT İSTANBUL DENTAL CLINIC.

  1. Controlling Cookie Preferences

Different browsers offer different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. Browser settings must be changed to block/delete cookies. The visitor has the opportunity to personalize his preferences regarding cookies by changing his browser settings.

  1. Rights of Data Owners

Requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Law, which "regulates the rights of the relevant person", can be made by submitting the Application Form to us, the details of which can be accessed at, as regulated in the Policy. Depending on the nature of the request, applications are finalized free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest; However, if the process requires an additional cost, a fee may be charged according to the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

  1. Effectiveness of the Policy

This Policy enters into force on the date of publication. If the entire Policy or certain articles are renewed, the effective date of the Policy is renewed.

KLİNİKADENT İSTANBUL DENTAL CLINIC Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, Personal Data Storage and Destruction Policy, Application Form can be accessed at ""< /strong>