What is Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics)?
Pediatric dentistry is a discipline applied by specially trained dentists to protect, treat and improve children's oral and dental health. Pedodontics deals with the dental and oral health of children from infancy to adolescence. Children's teeth are different from adult teeth and require special care. Therefore, pedodontists are professionals who specialize in treatments for children's dental and oral health.

What is the Difference of Pediatric Dentistry from Adult Dentistry?
Pediatric dentistry differs from adult dentistry because children have special needs regarding oral and dental health. Children often feel fear or anxiety about the dentist. That's why pedodontists use special techniques to comfort children and make them feel safe. Additionally, children should be educated to develop proper oral hygiene habits. Pedodontists also educate children on topics such as brushing teeth, using dental floss, and the importance of regular dentist check-ups.
Causes of Dental and Jaw Diseases in Children (Pacifier etc)
There are several reasons for dental and jaw diseases in children. The most common of these is the habit of sucking a pacifier or thumb. Prolonged pacifier or thumb sucking can cause misalignment of the child's teeth and deterioration of the jaw structure. In addition, poor eating habits and consumption of sugary and acidic foods can also lead to tooth decay. Additionally, trauma such as falls or blows can also cause dental and jaw problems in children. For emergencies, the children's dental hospital is kept open 24/7 and is responded to quickly.
What should be done for healthier milk teeth?
Milk teeth are important for the development of the child's oral structure and should be protected in a healthy way. The following steps should be followed for healthier milk teeth:
1. Proper nutrition: It is important to offer your child a balanced nutrition program. You can help them have a healthy smile in the future by limiting the consumption of sugary and acidic foods.
2. Brushing teeth: Your child should develop a habit of brushing his teeth regularly at an early age. You can start using a toothbrush even when the first tooth comes out. You can find special brushes produced for this.
3. Dentist checks: The pediatric dentist monitors the child's dental and oral health and takes necessary precautions. Taking your child to the dentist regularly also prevents the development of negative emotions such as fear.
Pedodontics and Nutrition Recommendations
Proper nutrition is very important for children to have a healthy mouth and teeth structure. Consumption of sugary and acidic foods should be limited. In addition, children should be given foods such as milk, fruits and vegetables regularly. These help keep children's teeth healthy. The pediatric dentist also gives suggestions to parents to help children develop proper eating habits and maintain healthy oral hygiene. You can get information about a suitable nutrition plan by consulting your doctor.
How often should paediatrician check-ups be done?
Pediatric dentist check-ups should be performed regularly to monitor the child's growth and development. In addition, these checks are important to check the child's oral and dental health. It is generally recommended that children visit the dentist every 6 months or once a year. Thus, the child's dental and oral health is monitored regularly and any problems can be detected at an early stage. Pediatric dentistry is an important discipline to protect, treat and improve children's oral and dental health. Pedodontists provide expert services for children's dental and oral health. If you want your child to have a healthy mouth and teeth structure, you can make an appointment by contacting a children's dental hospital that has dentists specialized in pedodontics.