Does Teeth Whitening Damage Teeth?
We would like to clarify the issue that everyone is curious about, that is misinterpreted among the public, and even that some of our colleagues misinterpret. We would like to clarify the issue that everyone is curious about, that is misinterpreted among the public, and even that some of our colleagues misinterpret.

Teeth whitening is the process performed to bleach the discolorations on the tooth enamel with the help of peroxide-containing gels. Before starting the whitening process, detailed tartar cleaning is performed. Gums It is covered with a protective layer. Whitening gel is applied to the teeth. White light is applied for approximately 20 minutes. If sufficient whitening is not achieved, the process is repeated several times.
Does the whitening process harm teeth? Whitening performed under the supervision of a dentist does not cause any harm to the teeth. There are many studies showing that it does not harm teeth. Some people may develop hot and cold sensitivity after whitening treatment. The most important point to keep in mind is; Products sold uncontrolled in the market, which may contain substances harmful to teeth, should not be used. Teeth whitening products used uncontrolledly can cause structural disorders in teeth and gums.