Should wisdom teeth be extracted?
Wisdom tooth, also known as buried tooth, does not appear in everyone, but in most people, after adolescence, around the age of 20, they take their place in the mouth. These teeth appear at the very back of the molars and generally cause great pain when they come out. It is not certain that the wisdom teeth will come out to everyone, and there is no exact time when they will come out. In some people, these teeth come out in their 20s, while in some people, they can appear in the late 20s. The extraction of these teeth, whose emergence is quite problematic and painful, is sometimes mandatory.
It is recommended that people who care about their dental health go to the dentist at regular intervals and look at their wisdom teeth, even if they have not erupted. Because most of the time, these teeth do not erupt and remain buried under the gums, threatening oral health. At this point, dentists offer their patients to have their wisdom teeth removed by surgery, as a result of their examinations. Because wisdom teeth can pose risks for various reasons.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?
While wisdom teeth remain healthy in some people's mouths for a lifetime, in some people they are removed by surgery before they even surface. Because some reasons make this operation mandatory. In general, the reasons that require wisdom tooth extraction are as follows:
- No room for wisdom teeth in the mouth
- Wisdom teeth squeezing other teeth and damaging the structure of other teeth
- Causing pain
- Impacted wisdom tooth
- Wisdom tooth decay
- Risk of infection
These reasons often make it necessary to remove wisdom teeth. In addition, the fact that wisdom teeth are at the back of the tooth row and this area cannot be brushed adequately with normal toothbrushes causes teeth to decay and therefore to be pulled out.
How to Extract Wisdom Teeth?
The extraction of wisdom teeth is more difficult than other teeth, and wisdom teeth are extracted by maxillofacial surgeons. This extraction may vary depending on the situation of the person and the root condition of the wisdom tooth. While some wisdom teeth can be extracted normally and easily, some wisdom teeth are extracted surgically, and the tooth is stitched at the end of the operation. However, since the patient is given a numbing injection, the patient never suffers. Therefore, there is no pain in the extraction of wisdom teeth.
How Should a Wisdom Teeth Check Be Done?
People should not wait for their wisdom teeth to come out before performing a procedure for their wisdom teeth. If surgery is necessary, it is recommended that everyone from the age of 16 go for a general dental check-up in order to make the operation easier and to intervene early. In general, dentists state that the damage caused by wisdom teeth removed by surgery in the early period is less and healing is faster. Therefore it is recommended; It means going to the dentist for a check-up without waiting for the wisdom teeth to come out.